Speed Networking for Facility Operators

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, April 4 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: Forum B

Event Information

Title: Speed Networking for Facility Operators


If you’re looking for a way to expand your professional network, meet fellow operators, establish valuable connections and get insider advice, this event is for you! This industry-specific twist on speed dating will allow you to talk one-on-one with others who work in the self-storage trenches just like you. You’ll sit at a networking station with one to three other managers/owners, then draw a topic from our pile of “conversation starters.” Share your experiences and insight! Stations will rotate every five minutes. At the end of this fun, fast-paced session, you will have made dozens of industry contacts, sharing guidance and stories along the way.

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Type: Interactive Events


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